Thursday, April 29, 2004

Worth Checking Out. BoingBoing points out an interesting paper in "Copyright, Technology, and The New Surveillance."
One to Watch. The AP reports that "ACLU battles FBI over ISP customer data."
Musical Trademark Spat. The AP is reporting that "Singers Claim Nelly Copied 'Vokal' Label."
There Are Just So Many Things Wrong with the Whole Scenario... Not the least of which is that I hope he can't truly get a patent on the idea... Reuters reports that "Uri Geller Aims to Stop ABC Baby-Adoption TV Show." You can read more about the controversy generated by the promo here. BoingBoing has some interesting information on the status of Geller's patent application here.

Friday, April 23, 2004

Wednesday, April 21, 2004

Wonder if Four Non-Blondes Will Sue? Since it's VH1, the goods/services are arguably related... "VH1 Prefers 'Non-Blondes'."
Chip Makers in Court. Reuters reports that "Intel, Top Rival Set for Supreme Court Showdown."

Monday, April 19, 2004

Can Linux Users Heave a Sigh of Relief? reports on "The End of SCO?"
EFF: Caped IP Crusader. Wired reports that "EFF to Fight Dubious Patents."
Mattel Finally Wins One. How Appealing has this report about a recent Second Circuit decision in a copyright infringement case brought by Mattel against Radio City Entertainment.
More Lessig Reviews. has an op-ed entitled "Confessions of a copyright warrior / The Bono factor: Is a dead musician's legacy interfering with free speech?" Love the Google-served ads along the side...
Insurance for Linux Users. Reuters reports that "Start-Up Says Linux Copyright Abuse-Free."
Boston to House Mega-firms? It always struck me as odd how few of the major Boston firms had a strong presence outside of the Hub. This appears to be changing. reports that "Wilmer Cutler, Hale and Dorr Said to Be in Merger Talks."

Sunday, April 18, 2004

Tuesday, April 13, 2004

Sucks to be Screech. BoingBoing reports on a recent UDRP decision in ""
IMers in New Hampshire Take Note. Security Focus has information on a recent New Hampshire ruling in "Chat, Copy, Paste, Prison."
Surely Her Contract Covered This. CNN reports in "Trademark challenger: Fired up over 'The Apprentice'."

Monday, April 12, 2004

Friday, April 09, 2004

How Did I Miss This? The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports that a judge has ruled that an aggregator of information on boat sales did not infringe the copyrights of a site they scraped for information in "Judge: Copyright Doesn't Cover All Sites." Of course, as the end of the article notes, they would still probably have a problem if their actions violated the sites' TOS. Via techdirt.
Careful How You Investigate Copyright Infringements. reports that "Microsoft, Business Partner Concocted 'Scheme' to Protect Copyrights."

Thursday, April 08, 2004

It's Time to Pass the ABA Multijurisdictional Practice Commission's Recommendations Already. reports that "Ga. Lawyers Indicted for Advising N.C. College."
Another Book to Check Out. Salon excerpts The Anarchist in the Library here.
Salon Reviews Lessig. "The mouse who would be king."

Wednesday, April 07, 2004

Tuesday, April 06, 2004

Chalk One Up for Microsoft BoingBoing reports that "Lindows to change name, bows to Microsoft pressure."
After the Statue Cover-up, I Guess it was Only a Matter of Time... The Baltimore Sun reports that "Administration wages war on pornography."
Reading the Economic Tea Leaves The New York Times reports on "Patents as Economic Indicator." Is it too much to ask for the New York Times to figure out the difference between patents and trademarks?

Monday, April 05, 2004

Questioning the RIAA's Assertions The New York Times reports in "A Heretical View of File Sharing."
Interesting Explanation of Reverse Confusion The Trademark Blog has this report on a recent Seventh Circuit decision by Judge Posner considering the question of reverse confusion.
A Lot of Hot Air? reports that "Lawyers Fired Up Over 'You're Fired'."

Friday, April 02, 2004